October 09, 2014

Class Critiques

What are two things that the class/teacher said about your animation? One Good and One Bad.
• Are there any part of the critique that you disagree with? Why

My animation class critiqued my animation. Everyone faced the chopping block. And let's be honest, there are better 3-D animators than me out there. They made me feel not so fabulous about myself and my work. Not to pleased I have much crappier work than them, but I need to buck up and move on.

Not much was said about my character. So it must be decent. But some things that where said include:
  • Lighting. Do 3-point lighting instead of throwing in a ambient light real quick so you can render and hit the deadline.
  • It looks 2-D instead of 3-D. I knew this. I wasn't sure how to fix this.
  • Faces competing. Make sure clothing covers everything. 
I knew that my lighting wasn't the best but it was pretty good. Apparently not. But from the critique I knew how to change it. 3-point lighting basically is making sure all sides are somewhat lit up. By changing the intensity of lights you can get a realistic lighting situation. So I fixed the lighting problem. I ended up useing quite a few lights. By adding in more lights my character doesn't look so flat and looks like an actual 3-D character though there are no shadows. Hopefully you have noticed that I don't care to much about the lights though and having the landscape looking real and all that crap. Because I don't. I care about the modeling of my character. There will be a time for landscapes and lighting and me caring about that but that time is NOT right now.

Then the faces competing for color. This was mostly in the shoes and the pants. I made the shoes bigger & I made sure that the foot had extra space inside the shoe. No one will be seeing inside the shoe to see how big the foot is so it won't matter mow much bigger the shoe is than the foot. Then for the pants I brought out edges & vertices so the leg wouldn't be seen.

After making these changes I re rendered my project. You deserve to see the new and improved project of mine. So here it is:

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