May 21, 2015

End of Year recap

This school year has been something. Quite an adventure in the animation room.

I created a human in Maya that looks absolutely horrible. From this project I learned that animation requires a ton of time and patience. Maya is also a hassle but can be so much fun to work with! Ya I yelled at the computer a ton during this project. Check my five blog posts if you don't believe me.

Mage Wars. Stop Motion is annoying. The green screen room is fun to work in. Working with 4 senior guys that are close friends is super fun and isn't as bad as it seems. I learned that going out of your comfort zone can give you new friends and gives you fun memories.

While working on Mage Wars I did work for Modern Images. I loved making 2-D commercials for them. It was good to get some client work done and knowing how to work with a client. Even though I was here until like 10 pm sometimes. That was an interesting adventure.

Children's Storybook. I loved this project. It was fun to take a books artwork and make it into an animation. I thought it was a fun way to stretch my creativity. I got done with it so quickly that I didn't know what to do with myself. Voice acting can be fun, but I have no idea how to work some programs. So um never ask me where the record button is in a program I've never used before. I won't be able to find it. Unlike Logan.

I started working on a new human. I like knowing how to do new stuff in Maya. I didn't finish modeling. I need to put the dude in the t-pose. I didn't do that when I started doing the human IK. Ya so I haven't finished that project. Funny thing is that during this project, I broke Don't know how I did it or how I fixed it but I did. It happened. Jake and Logan have rubbed off on me!

Then I rushed the final green screen project. Where I learned absolutely nothing. I was to busy being sad about all the seniors graduating! So sad! I don't know what I'm going to do with out all of the seniors next year. I'm not that close with any of the juniors and we aren't very loud and I miss the loudness! I loved the loudness.

That is in short my junior year of high school! That is from the view of the animation room.

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