June 23, 2015

Triad Project

Over my summer vacation I need to come up with a theme to make a triad project. I will be making 3 different videos that share 1 thing in common. I need to figure out that 1 thing in common and the basic idea for the three different storyboards. If I can flesh out one really well by the time school starts, I can start on the project right away. And that might be really beneficial knowing how into it I can get with my projects. But I need to figure out my theme.

Ideas so far:
  • Light vs Dark
  • Friendship
  • Good Friends are like stars. You don't always see them but they are always there.
  • strong feelings ex: passion, love, hope
  • music - lyrical interpretation
  • inner battle
  • grief
  • excitement
What I've finally decided on  a theme guys!! So proud of myself. My theme revolves around 'You can overcome the battle', 'The battle can be won', 'Rising above the challenges' sort of thing. Here are the basic story lines and my idea for the three stories so far. 
  • For one project there will be a bully. The bully will be black. He will bully the green student. Green's friends, Yellow, Pink, Teal, Purple, and Neon Orange, will notice Green's change in attitude and demeanor. Green thinks of suicide. Eventually Green goes to the bathroom and is about to drown himself in the toilet. Neon Orange comes and stops him while all his other friends deal with Black. Green will always have company when walking to class to make sure Black stops bulling Green. Black eventually stops and Green doesn't feel like suicide is necessary anymore. I don't know what music I want to play to this.
  • For a different project there will be a person with depression. Depression will be a shadow that comes from their mind. Depression and the person will battle for control. Person will win. At the moment the song I'll play in the background is 'Everybody Wants to Rule the World' by Lorde.
  • And the last project there will be a child whose parent or parents have been murdered. They feel guilty and the death(s) replays in their mind continually. I think I'll open with the child walking to the grave(s) of his parent(s) and sees them die and can't help but feel like it's his fault. For the moment I want to have 'Wicked Ones' by Dorothy be the music for this, but it is very upbeat so this might change.
Music isn't set in stone, but I feel like I have an idea of what I want and how get there. Still open to ideas and change to details in the story line. Knowing my music will help a ton when it comes to story boarding and how I actually will tell the story. But because I plan on having music playing in the background for all of the stories, I don't think I'll have m characters speak. I'll rely on body language and color to tell my story. So this will be an giant adventure.

School has been in session for like three weeks or something. I've worked on the Fish project to get back into animation and Maya and all. And while doing that I've looked at the school calendar and seen that I will only have time for two projects instead of three. Dreamed big, but it ain't going to happen. So I'm doing the depression video, look for a post titled Everybody Wants To Rule The World for updates. I will also be doing the dead family, look for a post titled Torn To Pieces for updates on that project.

I'm a bit disappointed that I might not be able to make my third project but I just might not have the time. So sad.

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