In Cousin Gus, a Disney animated short featuring Donald Duck and his cousin Gus Goose there are many plausible yet impossible things.
One plausible Impossible thing is eating as much food as seen on the right. It seems possible if you are hungry enough but one really can't that much food without barfing. In this short Cousin Gus manages to eat all this food. Donald is mad about this as you can probably guess because Donald is hungry and wants food too.
To get Gus to leave, Donald gives him a Barking Hot-Dog. A barking hot dog acts like a dog. It can roll over, fetch, and chase after cats. It would seem really plausible to a young child because they often think that wiener dogs are what make hot dogs and therefore hot dogs should act like dogs, but we know that hot dogs shouldn't able to do this.
Gus does come back and leaves a hole in the door that looks just like Gus. This could happen if we just run fast enough right? Well we could leave a hole in drywall maybe. But one that looks like us? Who do you think you're kidding? That can't happen. Definitely not in a WOOD DOOR!!!!!! This is a great example of something that most definitely can't happen.
Now for Donald to get his head into a mailbox? Gus was really determined to get Donald away from his precious food. If we use enough strength we can get anybody into a mailbox right? But what escapes our minds is that mailboxes are designed to survive hail, and other types of weather. I don't think human strength can penetrate a mail box if hail can't.
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