August 29, 2014

Plan for my 3-D character

This is my plan for 1st quarter and what I plan on doing for making a 3-D character. This will give you insight to what I'm doing, thinking, and what it looks like. Helpful right? From this you should learn what to do and what not to do as I go through this process & I make mistakes or just do things the hard way.

Modeling Base Body
  • DUE: 9/5
  • watch lynda (1 hour 27 minute)
  • actually model it (? hours)
  • Blog post- should include a description describing the modeling process, my thoughts/experiences and pictures of the modeling process for the head, body, and hair.
Model Clothing/ Refine Body
  • DUE: 9/12
  • watch lynda (45 minutes)
  • model (? hours)
  • Blog post- should include a description describing the modeling process, my thoughts/experiences and pictures of the modeling process for the clothing and what I refined and why I did so.
Create/Size Rig
  • DUE: 9/24
  • watch lynda (47 minutes)
  • do the stuff (? hours)
  • Blog post- should include a description describing the modeling process, my thoughts/experiences and pictures of the rigging being set up.
Tie Up Loose Ends/ Catch up as needed
  • DUE: 9/26
  • If I meet the deadlines I outlined above this time allows me to make everything look pretty.
  • If I don't meet the deadlines I outlined this time allows me to catch on up so I can render everything out
  •  Blog post- should include a description of what deadlines I didn't meet, how much I got pushed back, how much I ended up staying after school, or if I met them. If I meet my deadlines I will include a description of I do during this time. I will include pictures of what happens
  • DUE: 9/30
  • Now from what my upperclassman have said, this takes a long time to render so I'm giving myself a few days to render and get everything working so my work can be reviewed by my peers.
  • Blog post- should include a description describing the rendering process. I will also include pictures of what rendering looks like.

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