December 16, 2014

Stuff Along the Way

This project had a lot of behind the scenes stuff going on and our camera man didn't capture everything on video that made this project so great for all of us but he did capture some great pictures during the rough and there are other moments that I just love from this project that the guys might not appreciate the same way I do. But as you might know, groups don't work perfectly. And from my perspective, there could be some great stories or a slight curve ball as no one saw my madness or lack of it coming. So I'm going to tell you about some of the things that happened along the way that made this project something that wasn't quite what I expected.


These are just some great pictures Jake got from shooting the rough. Thought they were funny. But it might just be me enjoying the fact the Stover is somewhat disfigured in one way or another. If it's just me, well I'll just continue laughing at these pictures.
These pictures mark the week where I truly began to really like my group and started to look forward to this project. I think that by seeing the guys goof off and get stuff done surprised me a little bit but also gave me something to look forward to for the duration of the project which was nice.

This picture is great just because of Stover's face. It is amazing. And he isn't looking at the camera for once!!!!! Wait, this might have been when we decided that he needed 'an audience' to look at. So it was decided that he should look at my lovely face! Such greatness with the picture though.

The original chicken mask! This mask is amazing! Oh my gosh! To bad that it didn't work out. This mask would make out animation so much funnier, but the mountaineer mask works too. But let's be honest here, Logan in the chicken mask is pretty great especially when you get a close up on his eyes! So great! Just love these 3 pics that show how true that is. I probably will always prefer this costume than what Logan's costume ended up being even though the hat was the only thing that changed. The mask has so much character to it though. You just can't ignore the chicken mask.

The transition between these pictures with Stover's face is absolutely amazing! Oh I love these 2 pictures so much! The contrast of Logan's plain whateverness face(facial expression) and Stover's what-the-crap? face is just perfect! Love these pictures! I really do love these pictures.
I think putting in a background would make me love these pictures more, but I still think the raw pictures are great still the same. I mean come on, these faces. Aren't they just great???? Got to love 'em. Just greatness.
As to why I get so excited about facial expressions is because I love making facial expressions soooooo much! I make them all the time. I could probably communicate with just facial expressions, if people could understand my faces well enough to know what I'd say that is.

This is the punch scene. I think it's worth noting just because Alex didn't want to be acting. And I don't think he appreciated being forced to endure a punch thrown by me. The female. The only female in our group. And the only junior that also is the only blonde. But hey, a girls got to show how amazing she is at some point hasn't she?
I must admit the cower in fear that Andrew and Logan have here is pretty funny too! A little bit of an overreaction for real life, but the point is made really well by having them over react here. Though I think it's pretty funny. Ya it isn't an important to the story line, but it's a funny detail that I will love for a while.
This background effect with the stuff done to Stover and Logan is pretty great. Jake was messing with the green screen a little to see how the backgrounds would work out. I think this was a fun and easy way to that. Oh wait, that might be a mode effect thingy-ma-bobber activated using the mode switch. Hey! I think I know how this was done! Feeling so proud of myself!

This is another picture. As some of the guy's would say, this shows why our camera man was horrible and why we needed a tripod. But whatever. It's easy to fix the extra crap that's over in the corner. Well the left side of the picture.

Oh ya. This picture. We thought about having me punch someone after the show. Probably one of the actors. But I don't really know how to throw punches. I know how to shoot guns, throw knives, and use swords. I know nothing about punching and kicking people or things. In attempt to fix this problem Logan lays down on the floor and tells me to punch him. But I refuse. Stover is the only one who I might actually punch if he made this same offer.

Jake edited that picture to this. We just need some Lava because we all know Logan really is a lava monster. I mean come one. Let's get with it Jake.

This is another editing thing but from moi. I got Stover out of the picture. I was like, I'd be ok with our group without Stover. Though another funny moment wouldn't be possible without Stover. Uhhh. I guess Stover gets to stay.

This is a bit of the ending or what was supposed to be the ending. Logan looks fabulous in this picture with his hood on. Oh btw, that jacket is the best jacket on the planet and I want to get one from JCPenny and I want that jacket badly! You didn't need to know that, but hey, you get to know it anyways.

Well, Stover got the basis of a great profile picture coming from this. Just needs to create a awesome background in Photoshop.

Annoying Stuff

Ok I got to be honest. There where times I got annoyed with my group. Mostly because I was tired and had a headache and I could get mad at my group for loudly arguing on the other side of the room. They where mostly arguing about Jake being a bad camera man(which I don't think he was but I didn't do any lining up of pictures) or about Alex being a failure at finding music or doing anything project related for that matter.

I got a bit annoyed at Alex for not liking anything we did and arguing with everyone about like everything we did. But that's just Alex for you.

 Something that I've noticed that is irritating is that my group doesn't tell me things. I'll be at my computer, which is on the other side of the room, editing when the guys will decide to cut something or finish scenes that I need finished so I can work on them but I don't know until days later. It is not cool to let group members be out of the loop like that. Can't fix those mistakes now.

That's it. I didn't really get all that annoyed with my group. Which kinda surprised me. I thought I would have to save myself from their craziness. But I didn't need to.

Oh uh this section of this post is not meant to trash my group. I'm quite sure that I've annoyed my group plenty of times and make them mad. They probably aren't going to go tell everyone what they hate about me. Actually I wouldn't be surprised to figure out that some of them have posted crap about me on the internet. Don't think I'm going to look into that though. It's just here to prove that I am human and my group isn't perfect.

I liked my group, that is, once I realized that they're just as weird as I am and in the same ways I am. Except the part where I don't play video games, or know all that much about dark matter and all sciencey stuff.                Well isn't that a bit contradictory. That sciencey stuff and video games are big in their lives as a minor observation from the last 5 weeks. Well if you ignore those 2 things my logic works.

 Now with this knowledge, if I ever work with these 4 again, I'll know what to expect and might be able to deal with this stuff better if such a time comes around again. I don't know if I want there to be another group project. It would be fun, but that would mean that I would have to be social. I don't always like being social. 


My group is weird but I have grown to love my group. But because my group is weird, we can be really funny. Well the guys can be. I'm not very funny. I just watch the greatness of my group unfold.

  • While filming the rough(we where outside the classroom in the hallway) we figured out that we wanted to use the green screen but we needed permission to do that. The guys couldn't decide on who would go ask Netterville if it was ok for us to use the green screen. Shocker to see them arguing right? Well I was tired of them arguing so I walked towards the classroom and Stover is like, 'We're really sending the junior to all our dirty work? Wow. We're special.'              Logan follows me in for some reason or another. I walk up to Netterville and go "Netterville...". He looks up and says 'Oh no. What have they done?'                                                                    I smile and tell him "Nothing. We just want to use the green screen when we actually film the real deal. We were just wondering if that was ok."                                                          Netterville is like 'oh. Well ya that's ok. Just ask Allam about it.'                                            Now you may wonder why this should have been filmed. The thing is, is that Netterville wasn't quite sure how well the guys would treat me. He wasn't even sure if they'd include me. Frankly he was kinda worried about me. But he didn't need to. But it was still kinda funny.
  • Once during filming all of us wanted Stover's hat. I think this was the day when we where filming it flying off his head. And to get some shots Jake stood a ladder that we found in the studio where we where shooting. For some reason Stover decided it was a great idea to pull the hood over his face (The hood of his robe{that he used for his costume} is really long. If you have the really cheap Harry Potter robes you know what I'm talking about). Then he put the hat on top of his head like he normally does. But he can't really see anyone. So I took the hat then passed it off the Alex. He in turn gave it to Jake. Jake sadly put it back on Stover's head. Alex then took it but Stover caught him. While Stover was occupied with Alex, Logan replaced Jake on the ladder. Logan then starts poking the hat. Stover turns his head towards Logan. But Jake walks up to Stover to take the hat. Alex takes the hat and Jake nearly gets hit because Stover thought he took it. Alex laughs and puts the hat back on Stover's head. During that little episode Logan gets off the ladder and Jake's interpreter gets up on the ladder and takes the hat right after Alex gave it back. Stover know that the person on the ladder has the hat so Stover takes the hat back and hits the interpreter with it. We all are trying not to laugh at Stover because we all know he thinks it's Jake he just hit but he technically just hit a teacher. Stover walks off the green screen pulls the hood off, puts the hat back on, and looks at the ladder. He looks at the interpreter and his face says 'Oh crap!' Oh what a funny moment of realization! But Stover smiles and chuckles and actually says to the interpreter "I thought you were Jake."         "I know." he says and laughs.                                                                                                         We all laughed. But it is really sad this wasn't recorded because this was the best part of the project and would have made the best blooper ever!
  • The moment when I really wish I had a camera right next to me filming my reactions to my work while getting my computer in the shot. I was editing the ending and it looked so creepy but it was so funny because for a moment Stover looked creepier than Logan and Logan was making his creeper face. Just the fact that Stover's head is just floating with no background even when it's more zoomed out, it's really creepy but hilarious! Logan has a background for the zoom sequence. His face makes up for the weirdness of his head floating. But my reaction was just great when I actually watched the creepiness unfold. And it ended up being deleted from the final render but that probably is a good thing.
  • The great moment of irony!!!!!!! Alright here is some background info- our group does basically nothing and nobody expects to much of the guys in my group. Their stuff isn't outstanding but ends up looking cool to my class but very critqueable by Netterville. But what they do is model objects not really animating things or creating storyboards. So what is expected is no round of applause from the entire class. End background info. So we need background noise for the sequence during the credits. The guys couldn't find a sound online so they took the snowball microphone thingy Netterville has and clapped. Everybody starts clapping but they don't understand why. They stopped, the sound was ruined. They went somewhere else and recorded a new sound. When they came back everyone starts clapping. I start laughing because of the total irony of the whole situation! Like it was totally hilarious! If only I could have video of the situation and a video of the guys saying the background info. That would be great, but I don't. Oh well. We keep going on.
The awkward moment when I realize that I didn't know that the intreprator's name. Her name is Ms. Hun. I sure do hope I spelled it right. She'll probably tell me if it is wrong. Or Netterville will. But let's hope I'm right.

 Oh gosh, I've written a book about this project. Again. Well thanks for reading it anyways.

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