December 16, 2014

Video Series

I've just realized that I have the best reactions to everything. Last quarter when I was making my 3-D character, my freak outs and frustration was apparently quite hilarious. Then during the stop motion project, I so wish that I had gotten some stuff on film! Oh my gosh! In some ways Jake has failed as a camera man(just in failing to capture the funniest moments on set).
Like wouldn't it be really great if I made a video web series of me doing my projects? I'm apparently really really funny. I'll have to talk to Ms. Morris about getting a camera up by my desk so I could document my freak out moments. If I did do this, I would start after Christmas break or the begging of my senior year(August 2015 when school starts).
Is anyone interested in this video series? Please comment or if you are creepy stalker who has my contact info, tell me that way.

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